On long city walks through quiet neighborhood
Shuttered gates widows and windows and
Welcome plats and mats and long indignant
Drives from sandwiched streets tarred to
Cemented Sidewalk ways through clipped
And tapered lawns the hare is unsettled and
Serpentine waters of rain and fritter respectively
Piece mill the vent of their smell of nature’s grace
And human proclivities to waste; wild deer trek
Through the dust and dawn and the growth
The hedge encloses human nature’s boundaries
Stretched as long forgotten neighbors pack
Worldly possessions to follow the procession
Of every self confession and mate less song
Of sentimental attraction to come along
From once upon a time how distant pasts
Trail off into a permanence burning inside
As soul gives the holy body its sanguinity
The thought once embraced by a memory
Leaves the unpunctuated tradition of songs
To unromantic flights of fancy to places
That left us all alone forgotten and wronged;