Lee B. Mack

01/04/1957 to / Shelbyville, Kentucky

Familiar In My Name: (Original 05 02 2006)

Familiar in my name she sums the budding spring
stars she knew grew as stains run through the
blackened sky to blue to familiar halves of broken
clusters she dresses dissolves into and fills erotic
pants adhering like glue she lifts the hope of
morning though she were inside emptied spaces
vacated to leave dream’s familiar clouds
full of evening names familiar
in my name familiar in her dress familiar she runs
for coastlines of bleached sand wind singing in her face
of fear in the tracks of her ear the music to hear
by my gentle whisper like fishes darting alert below
the soundings she finds no name familiar
in the sea’s movement but in her own sane familiar
drumming rhythms humming isms she hears my name
she runs-for-it the calling out in the air
little people set for Sunday sermons at depths
to fathom my name she has my name to share
night passes familiar in my name she knows listening
is cruel wisdom if telepathy by another name
truly truth stretches the resonate good in the cup passed
in the cuff of her foot the tap of her toe by the press
against my thigh she lotions my heart
to feed the flow to temper my name familiar
a viscous tide with intromission strokes to command
she uses her hand she leaves the back of my shoulders
penciled in the pacinian corpuscle inks of perusable
tattooing symbolizing meaning in the false prophecies
her touch plants wisdom in each change of heart familiar
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