Lee-Ann Azzopardi

August 20, 1970- Detroit
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Tiny Flat

Staring thru the window at the local greasy spoon
Where the coffee is quite heavenly, it started to rain
The drops hit the pane hard
I noticed the water leaking at the bottom of it
Before I told the server, it was time to go
I paid for the coffee and the day-old doughnuts
And I remembered that I didn't bring an umbrella
I ran to our apartment thinking you were waiting for me
Trying to get there without getting wet
When I got there, there was no one
Soaked, I went to what was our bedroom
Thinking you would be there soon
However, I knew you wouldn't be there
And realised I am alone in this tiny flat
I removed my wet clothes
Into a dry, holy t-shirt and the track pants
That you gave me on my birthday
I wanted to cry when the fleece rubbed against my thigh
But I took a breath and crawled under the covers
Listening to the rain disturbing the silence
My eyes grew heavy as the stars began to shine
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