Laurence Argyll Simon Noond

February 09, 1951-Malvern, Worcestershire.
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Natures Gift.

Across the hills to catch the sight!
"The morning glory" a new sunlight,
Washing away the darkness of night,
An uplifting and glorious sight.

Nature gives not for reward,
Natures gift is "our reward".
She has no hidden agenda,
Just beauty, grace and splendour.

Through the woods; across the fields,
Over the hills; through the dales,
Country lanes; rivers and vales,
Natures beauty never fails.

Flora and Fauna for all to enjoy,
Its not ours to wantonly destroy.
We should respect nature "our mother"
When gone there will never be another.
Respect her; Love her.

By Jim Noond.
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