Laurence Argyll Simon Noond

February 09, 1951-Malvern, Worcestershire.
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Autumns Glory.

A myriad of colour to start a new story,
Autumn has arrived in all her glory.
Falling leaves; like coloured snow,
A carpet of beauty wherever we go.
Misty mornings; foggy nights,
Birds migrating to warmer sites.

Nightingale, Cuckoo, Swift and Swallow,
Will a memory be; by tomorrow.
Redwings, Waxwings and Fieldfares come into view,
Bringing with them calls and colours anew.
Every new day offering so much to view,
Every day bringing challenges new.

Autumn brings to me; a mystery,
Fungi erupting from many a tree,
Shapes and names to bewilder me.
"Yellow Brain" a witch`s curse,
Carried in a "Witch`s Purse".
"Dead Mans Fingers" a spooky find,
Take a look! but leave behind.

To watch the fiery sunrise,
One of Autumn great thrills.
Soft golden sunset sinking behind the hills,
Preparing "us" for winters sharp chills,
All can be seen from "Malvern`s Great Hills.

By Jim Noond.
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