Khushi Malhotra

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It had to be said.

Today you’ll be the listener and we’ll be the voice
Conveying this message from us to you,
Around us, there’s so much unnecessary noise
Suffering everyday, yet we don’t know what to do

Why does this still happen every single day?
That we’re pushed down every time we stand
Why even bother celebrating women’s day?
When you just intend to sell us away by a piece of land

You call us a goddess and touch our feet,
Pretending you’ve given us the perfect life
But what about the little girl born in that hospital
Who you killed the next second with a knife?

We go out to work and get our daily food
Building our dreams, trying to be free
But no, that doesen’t do us any good
As we do the same job as the man yet you give him more fee

Enough of this patriarchy, we’re done being your elves,
Think of the 60 women assaulted in a day
How much will we feel sorry for yourselves?

We’re done being quiet, we’ll no longer be suppressed
For what do we do in such a country?
Where all depends on how a girl was dressed

You’ve failed your women, India
This isn’t what we love
You’ve protected your daughters enough
Now educate your sons

We don’t want to be above your men
We want to be equal to them
There’s need of equality, a safe and free life
For your very own mother, sister and wife.
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