Ken Ripley

August 3, 1950 - Virginia Beach
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I remember Wonder Bread
That Howdy Dowdy hawked.
Also I remember Nestles
Which was the very best.
I doubled up on Wrigley’s gum
And Pepsodent made me wonder
Where the yellow really went.

Speedy’s bubbles promised me health
And Tony said his flakes were great.
I dabbed my hair with Brylcreem
And floated with Ivory soap.
I saw the USA in a Chevrolet,
And pouring milk on Rice Krispies
made them snap, crackle, and pop.

I had my way with Burger King
And L’Oreal assured me I was worth it,
But I do not know what I would do
Without advertising in my life
To help me be all that I can be.
Do I have free will or am I driven
By all the slogans I’ve been given?
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