Ken Ripley

August 3, 1950 - Virginia Beach
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Is there heaven and is there really hell?
Does God exist? We want to know as well.
Death is a wall that hides the answer.
The dead find out, the living cannot tell.

Sages and mystics proclaim with firmest nod
That they are certain in their knowing God,
But all our religions run into that wall
Beyond which human wisdom cannot trod.

So, knowing not what lies behind death’s door
And seeing how religions differ at their core,
I once despaired of choosing any path to take
Because of when I hit that wall, I’ll be no more.

But I forgot that wall too high for me to see
What lies beyond and is meant to be
Could itself be scaled from either side.
What I could not do alone, God did for me.

Through Jesus Christ, God showed his face,
Revealing heaven or hell for the human race.
So I can keep speculating in doubt and die
Or with thanks accept his gift of saving grace.
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