Ken Ripley

August 3, 1950 - Virginia Beach
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Festivals can be lots of fun,
Especially when they are new
And what is offered nicely run.
Games, exhibits, and parades
And music by the score, all
Compete with booths of food,
The kind you see in fairs in fall:
Funnel cakes and turkey legs abound.

Visitors are drawn to streets
Where marching bands and floats
Pass by, some even throwing treats
To scores of children on the side.
Beauty queens with frozen smiles
Join the clowns in gay procession.
So many people travel miles,
Attracted by the laughter’s sound.

At the end, we all go home,
Tired but happy for our day.
Cleanup crews behind us roam
To rid the glitter and the trash.
The town resumes its sleepy state
And sober life replaces all the fun.
But festival leaders, though tired, await
For yet another year to come around.
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