Keeley Holden

January 20, 2009- Kentucky
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Cuts and Bruises

When we are children life feels so slow
But now that im old-
I look at my arms and see healed cuts and the ghost of bruises i had long ago
On my right arm i see the grayish healed gash from when I cut my arm on a sharp shelf in our kitchen
On my knee i see the ghost of a bruise from when i fell off my bike as a child
On my face i see the scars of my acne from my teenage years
I look in the mirror and no longer see a child.
I see the person family shaped me to be.
Cuts and bruises healed by time and love
Cuts and bruises to remind me where i come from
My dreams are far achieved but still I see i will accomplish everything
I look in the mirror and see my mother who raised me with loving hands
I look in the mirror and see my father who taught me how to persevere
I look and see my older siblings who taught me tough love
I look and i see me.
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