Kazi Nazrul Islam

24 May 1899 - 29 August 1976 / Bardhaman / India

Allah Is My Lord, I Fear No One

Allah is my Lord. I fear no one.
Muhammad is our prophet.
Throughout the world his praise is sung.

I have my Quran.
Why should I fear any one?
Islam is my religion.
The Kalima is my amulet,
The Tauhid my guide,
Iman is my shield and the crescent my reading fight.
Allah-u-Akbar is my battle cry,
And my final destination is Paradise
where the Arsh of Allah lies.

The Muslims of the world, in China or in India,
in Egypt or in Arabia,
are my brothers dear.
Here all are equal,
There is no class distinction here.

Here we wake up and arise
at the sound of the same takbir
Here we are one body one heart one soul
Here the prince and the pauper play the same
noble role.

In this world of Islam
I know that the ultimate victory will be mine,
I know that through Islam alone
can I achieve my final goal.
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