Kazi Nazrul Islam

24 May 1899 - 29 August 1976 / Bardhaman / India

All Praise To Allah, All Glory To Him

All praise to Allah, all glory to Him.
Let peace prevail and equality win,
let truth reign supreme,
let all unhappiness and misery,
all oppression and tyranny,
all cowardice and falsehood
perish for good, for good!
All glory to Allah, all praise to Him.

Let all pain and sorrow,
all disease and want
Let there be no fear
of jealousy and hatred,
Let the timid, the weak and the old
grow fearless and bold,
let them conquer death
and glow with the fire of an undying faith.
All praise to Allah, all glory to Him.
No more will recklessness and disorder prevail.
The prison houses with their fetters broken
will be of no avail.
Effortlessly will men sail
over the barriers of hills, deserts and seas.
Let dishonesty, ignorance, greed and selfishness perish!
All glory to Allah, all praise to Him;

Let youth prevail and senility disappear,
let the faith in 'we shall succeed' prosper.

Those who cower and say 'We shall fail'
are truly dead even if they breathe.
They are creatures of darkness.
they are like the children of stone,
haunted by fear they always keep barred their doors
Only those who have life's spark burning in them
are worthy of the name of men.
let us only know such men as they,
let us befriend only them!

If the stirring of surging life
is not felt within one's own self
none from outside can awaken him
from his slumber.
The hero who dares conquer
the impossible,
walks with his head high
among the stars in the sky,
and yet his footsteps make
the earth quake,
With his tireless efforts
he makes the impossible happen.
The wild fury of the storm is his companion,
and millions of stars and planets
show him his path as he wends his way.
Let man rise up, confident in his strength,
vast and unseen.
All praise to Allah, all glory to Him.

One who has the spark of youth in him
knows no defeat.
He always fights with his heart and soul,
and when he fails to win
he never flees the battle field,
but fights on till the end.
Let inaction and weakness of man
vanish today for good,
let the invincible youth reign supreme.
All glory to Allah, all praise to Him.

All men have equal rights
over the gifts God has bestowed
on this earth.
The sun and the moon shed their light
equally' on all.
When rain rails it, too, falls for all.
That is the divine decree.
If someone acts contrary to this
and hoards everything in his coffer,
many are inevitably deprived and robbed.
Rise up, all the downtrodden and oppressed
of this earth,

Unite and wrest your right
from the tyrannous lords,
else you will violate God's own decree
and burn in eternal hellfire.
Let there prevail again on this earth
equality and comradeship.
All glory. to Allah, all praise to Him.

There will be no inequality or poverty any more.
City folks and villagers will get food equally.
There will be no kings, emperors, landlords
and moneylenders.

You will not find festivities in one household
and hungry moans in another,
You will not find some one
living in a big palace
and another in a dilapidated cottage.
All such inequalities will perish for good,
and the world will turn into a beautiful abode
of loving brotherhood,
Let there be complete equality and peace,
let truth reign supreme!
All praise to Allah, all glory to him.
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