Kazi Nazrul Islam

24 May 1899 - 29 August 1976 / Bardhaman / India

A Call From Behind

Dear! Wilt thou remember me in thy new home?
There dost thou begin the world under
new auspices with new offerings
Deserted is now the leafy cottage; its
shady neighborhood where we two
first exchanged our looks, where
every particle of dust, every.
creeper and leaf is redolent
of the wealth of eternal acquaintance
in the worship of hearts,
And a dismal void now cries in the wilderness.
As didst thou forget me, many a man could
come to thee,
Then out of sympathy for me would that
cottage weep out an offended heart,
Wherever dist thou turn thy eyes,
my reminiscences there made thy heart ache,
Thou wilt drown that reproach here
in the depths of new field;
I alone am lost in the woods' of oblivion.
The distance between thee and me was so
long no real distance,
As that old mansion would bring my
distance into nearness.
Now hast thou formed new ties,
Opened a new fountain of laughter and tears,
New performance and new revelry of song,
Under the impulse of new welcome!
To the cold storage my own tune is consigned.
Dear! Mine is today forlorn hope, as
pre-ordained by the divinity,
Today on my grave will be built thy bridal
sanctum sanatorium
In the air is echoed and re-echoed
The music of the Sylvan flute in the mouth
of some cow-herd,
Lost, lost am I in the western horizon!
Farewell, Dear, our role comes to an end
with the setting sun,
Now art thou a new one in a new home!
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