Kathy L. Goings

Dunbar, WV, USA


Can you imagine....
going into a city as a hero, knowing you will doe within a week as a criminal?
washing the feet of the very man who will betray you, knowing he will betray you?
Sitting down to a holiday meal knowing that your closest friends will deny ever knowing you
before the night is over? Can you imagine....
taking a physical beating and humiliation of carrying your own means of death down city streets?
being mocked as a "king" with "crown of thorns" placed on your head hard enough that it drew
blood? Can you imagine....
the weight of the whole world's sins past, present, and future being on your shoulders?
Dying to save the very people who hated and persecuted you?
Feeling forsaken as the sky turned black, as if even God has deserted you? Can you imagine....
the incredible love this mans showed as he asked God to, "Forgive them..."?
the miracle of His being raised up on the third day?
Being the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah? Imagine those things, but KNOW this:
JESUS IS, WAS, AND WILL ALWAYS BE, ALL these and MORE for you and me.
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