Kate Seymour Maclean


Written In A Cemetary

Stay yet awhile, oh flowers!-oh wandering grasses,
And creeping ferns, and climbing, clinging vines;-
Bend down and cover with lush odorous masses
My darling's couch, where he in sleep reclines.

Stay yet awhile;-let not the chill October
Plant spires of glinting frost about his bed;
Nor shower her faded leaves, so brown and sober,
Among the tuberoses above his head.

I would have all things fair, and sweet, and tender,-
The daisy's pearl, the cowslip's shield of snow,
And fragrant hyacinths in purple splendour,
About my darling's grassy couch to grow.

Oh birds!-small pilgrims of the summer weather,
Come hither, for my darling loved ye well;-
Here floats the thistle down for you to gather,
And bearded grasses ripen in the dell.

Here pipe, and plume your wings, and chirp and flutter,
And swing, light-poised upon the pendant bough;-
Fondly I deem he hears the calls ye utter,
And stirs in his light sleep to answer you.

Oh wind!-that blows through hours of nights and lonely,
Oh rain!-that sobs against my window pane,-
Ye beat upon my heart, which beats but only
To clasp and shelter my lost lamb again.

Peace-peace, my soul:-I know that in another
And brighter land my darling walks and waits,
Where we shall surely meet and clasp each other,
Beyond the threshold of the shining gates.
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