Justyna Bargielska


To Chloris

If it's true, Chloris, that you love me
then forgive me but I have no idea what to do
about issues like world hunger
or the Pope not allowing Blacks to use
condoms, the screen shutting down
and by shutting down revealing it's no door.
About photographers who kill themselves
over photographs they've taken.
Though the light was amazing, they kill themselves.

If it's true, Chloris, that you love me
then I don't even know what to do with this sea
which by parting swallows unruly dogs,
unplanned children, ships and their captains,
cities, countries, worlds. I swim in this sea
as long as I swim towards you, Chloris. If
you love me tell me what to do
once I realise I'm swimming but I no longer love you.

Translation: Maria Jastrzębska
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