will you love me until the edge of eternity
and after
we have passed the edge of eternity and have
moved on for a few hours
not realising what was happening what kind of world
we have reached
willyou love me even if
I don't manage all this
If I get drunk again and a moment before
the end of the world fall asleep in my own filth
in a corner in a room like an blissful child
willyou love me when night falls
when the weather has become bloody cold
and we have nowhere warm to go
nor have light nor any purpose in sight
willyou love me
when I tell you that only we together
will make time last that the secret is
that without us the world will cease for ever
willyou love me then just for
the wondrous world that could
after all exist (or what)
willyou love me a crazy beast
an egoist a big male feline on a broken tree branch
purring a song warm and deep as hell
while dark night deep as hell
descends over us and nobody knows what
will happen when light arrives
willyou love me who yearns for your warm
blood and lives only in anticipation of
consuming it
willyou love me darling
willyou love me until the edge of eternity
and far
far beyond this edge
Translated in Translators' Seminar in Käsmu, Estonia