Jr. Rodolfo M. Reventar

Bambang, Pasig, Philippines

The Chosen Nation's Temple Of Worship


Towering 'bove for Thy glory, O Most High God--
And lo, Whose most hallowed name-now, abides therein,
It serves as a lighthouse that beckons unto men
Find safe haven in the darkened world we live in!

Where to find and witness today's true worshippers,
In the name of Christ, come and gather together;
O sing praises, give thanks, offer solemn prayers
And holy services before our Lifegiver.
Always seek spiritual gifts--be enlightened,
Depend solely on the adepts as God-ordained,
Who are inspired by the Spirit of prophecy
To preach--uphold freedom, justice and liberty!

By the Spirit of truth, to sustain the faithful--
yes, sanctify with saving grace the human soul.
Certainly be triumphant over emptiness!
See all the great riches of New Jerusalem,
It's God-heirs Paradise, so blissful and endless
Where to acquire the crown of life and righteousness!
The very thirst and hunger for beatitudes
Of the Blood-cleansed, O be filled in by the All Good!
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