Oh, Eternal Truth ...
True love for Eternity..
You are my God. To
You do I sigh day and night..
since I first came to know you...
You drew me to You,
So I might see that there were
Things for me to see...
But that I was not ready.
I trembled with love and Dread...
Late have I loved you.
O Beauty ancient and new...
Late have I loved you.
You are inside, I outside...
And there I searched just for you...
You called, You shouted,
And you broke through my deafness...
You flashed, and You shone!
Yes! You dispelled my blindness...
You breathed your fragrance on me...
I drew in breath and
Now I pant for You. I have
Tasted You and now
I hunger and thirst for more...
I burn for Your touch... Your Peace!....