Many people are fond of claiming
That they come from a family dysfunctional.
Their crimes, therefore, are not Their crimes
For their behavior is conjunctional
With everything that was done to them
When they were unable to fight
Against the plots and ploys of those
Who controlled their lives by might.
"It's not my fault, look what they did,"
Has become the battle cry
Of those who think that as long as they live
It's alright for others to die.
And because it's seen as the "right thing" to do,
We agree that no man
Should have to answer for what he did
Just as long as he can
Prove that someone did something to him
That was mean or bad or vicious,
For we all know that each man deserves
An environment non-malicious.
So right and wrong have been cast adrift
On the waves of a murderous sea,
And we've taken from man the safe harbor known
As Personal Responsibility.