Josias Homely

The Apology

Written at the request of a celebrated Convivialist, who was no singer.

You ask for a song, and I will not be long :
If zeal made a singer—how grand my attempt !
I'm proud of your choice, though the want of a voice
Should for ever from singing have kept me exempt.
I'm not one of those who sing for applause,
Expecting great praises as soon as they've done—
But a bit of a go, I will give you you know.
Just to pass the thing over and keep up the fun.

With minum and crotchet some singers hotch-potch it,
And enrapture our souls with an air and a swell,
So plaintive and grievous the ditties they give us,
We weep with delight as their sorrows they tell.
Some quaver and shake till they make us all quake,
And the gamut to atoms tear up with a run—
But a bit of a go, I will give you you know,
Just to pass the thing over and keep up the fun.

May mirth and good will ever dwell with us still,
And the cordial of friendship still sweeten the glass ;
May the morning be bright as the joys of the night.
And this moment all others in pleasure surpass.
Bui I know 'tis quite wrong to detain people long,
And you are all tired as sure as a gun.
So my bit of a go, I will finish you know,
Now pass the thing over and keep up the fun.
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