Josias Homely

Hesitaiton, A Canzonet

The woman who but hesitates is lost.
There was love on his lips— so she turn'd away,
And felt she could never forgive him ;
There was that in his dark eye which seem'd to say
She must never, must never receive him.
Yet when she thought what a world 'twould be
If she were entirely without him.
She resolv'd to remain one half hour more
And speak to her conscience about him.
She own'd, at length, that her heart was not right—
And she never should cease to i-egret it ;
He allow'd 'twas 'old Hornie' who tempted to sin,
Yet he lov'd her and could not forget it.
'Twas no subject for fun, for things hastily done,
Might lead to long trouble and sorrow-
Yet their thoughts were so mix'd, that their bridal was fix'd
And they both became one on the 7norrom I
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