Joseph Skipsey

March 17, 1832 - September 3,1903 / Percy, Northumberland


FROM the pipe-end off it glides,
Many hued appearing;
What, if cynic harsh derides,
Sets the boys a-staring.
In their eyes gleam its dyes,
Glow with radiance rarer
Till they cry 'how bright! Yon sky
Hath no planet fairer!'
Nay, nought else can be so fair,
Naught, sir, more entrancing;
Blow it here, blow it there—
Keep the bubble dancing!

Sailing thro' the air it goes,
While the urchins stretching
Out their chins, upon their toes
Blow the thing bewitching:
So blows Dick, and 'ha, ha!' cries,
At the image gazing,
'What is this salutes mine eyes?
Truly it's amazing――'
'Eh, thy picture,' Sue rejoins;
And a-nearer glancing;
Mine, too, in the crystal shines—
Keep the bubble dancing!'

Blow it well—Bill and Bell,
Blow in turn, and Jerry;
And in turn each discern
What yet makes them merry;
Merry, very! Scurvy loot—
Little villain, scurvy,
Shout and blow, blow and shout,
Wits a topsy-turvy;
Even so agog they go
On their hobbies prancing—
Blow and shout, shout and blow,
Keep the bubble dancing.

'Fiddle-faddle fum is that!
Understand me clearly—
I detest a ditty flat,
Shouting, blowing merely:'
'Hear me out!' 'Well?' 'While they blow
Bursts the magic wonder,
Leaving little Dick and Co.
On their ways to ponder;'
'Tut, what then?' No look oblique—
Then they seek, and chancing
To find other bubbles, seek,
Seek to keep them dancing.
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