Joseph Hall

1574 - 1656 / England

Psalm I

Who hath not walkt astray
In wicked men's aduise,
Nor stood in sinners' way,
Nor in their companies
That scorners are,
As their fit mate,
In scoffing chayre
Hath euer sate;

But in thy lawes diuine,
O Lord, sets his delight,
And in those lawes of thine
Studies all day and night.
Oh how that man
Thrice blessed is!
And sure shall gaine
Eternall blisse.

He shall be like the tree
Set by the water-springs,
Which when his seasons
Most pleasant fruite forth brings,
Whose boughes so greene
Shall neuer fade,
But couered bene
With comely shade.

So to this happy wight
All his designes shall thriue,
Whereas the man vnright,
As chaffe which windes do driue,
With euery blast
Is tost on hy,
Nor can at last
In safety lie.

Wherefore in that sad doome
They dare not rise from dust,
Nor shall no sinner come
To glory of the iust.
For God will giue
The iust man's way,
While sinner's race
Run to decay.
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