John Stetson

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The Aire

Leo's brush conveyed more light than verse
Beholding beauty's movement in the soul
Ahhh... but adding melody provides the turn
That living on the page a word can't know
Ephemeral, this flight of fancy, sure
Which airy essence flies past thought alone

That flight soars brighter than is ours to grasp
It shadows us in shades of reverie
These heights of sensuality can't last
But lest we think that they weren't meant to be
Though Icarus would soar and also fall
Daedelus would soar and still fly free

If blest for just a moment with his eye
I'm sure that I could paint an aire complete
That brush'd upon the palate of your ear
Yields color that your mind would savor sweet
The air beneath the wing I hold so dear
Has echoed but the voice of nascency
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