John Skelton

1460 - 1529 / Norfolk, England

Why Were Ye Calliope Embrawdered With Letters Of Golde ?

As ye may se,
Regent is she
Of poetes al,
Whiche gaue to me
The high degre
Laureat to be
Of fame royall ;
Whose name enrolde
With silke and golde
I dare be bolde
Thus for to were.
Of her I holde
And her householde ;
Though I waxe olde
And somdele sere,
Yet is she fayne,
Voyde of disdayn,
Me to retayn
Her seruiture :
With her certayne
I wyll remayne
As my souerayne
Moost of pleasure,
Maulqre touz malheureux.
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