John Quincy Adams

1767-1848 / the United States

Sing To Jehovah A New Song

Sing to Jehovah a new song,
For deeds of wonder he hath done;
His arm in holiness is strong;
His hand the victory hath won:
The Lord salvation hath made known;
His goodness o'er the world extends;
His truth to Israel's house is shown;
His power to earth's remotest ends.
Shout to Jehovah, all the earth,
Break forth in joy, exult, and sing;
Let voice, let clarion speak your mirth,
Trumpet and harp proclaim your King:
Roar, ocean, to thy lowest deep;
Shout, earth, and all therein that dwell;
Floods, clap your hands as on you sweep:
Mountains, the choral anthem swell.
Let heaven, and earth, and sea, combine,
Jehovah's holy name to bless;
Creation owns his power divine,
The universe his righteousness;
He comes in judgment to display
Resistless right and boundless grace;
The world with equity to sway,
And blessings shed o'er all our race.
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