Sons of Liberty, arise!
Who your country's glory prize,
Spread your banner to the skies!
Wake from apathy!
Join the Washingtonian Band,
Firmly to your pledges stand,
Drive intemp'rance from the land,
Crime and misery.
Who would not a brother save,
Who would be himself a slave,
Who would fill a drunkard's grave,
Let him spurn our laws-
Who his country loves and owns,
Who would free and bless her sons,
Who would stay her tears and groans,
Let him aid our cause.
Now's the time our foe to press,
See his foll'wers less and less!
See they falter and confess!
Haste the joyful time,
When the tyrant shall be slain,
Universal Temp'rance reign,
And our flag without a stain,
Wave from clime to clime.
While we swell our grateful lays-
While our voices high we raise,
Loudest we will ever praise
God who makes us free.