John Pierpont

1785-1866 / the United States

Fourth Of July Washingtonian Song

A glorious day is breaking,
Upon our sinful earth,
Our land to life is waking,
With shouts of joy and mirth;
Our army is preparing
To meet the rising sun,
On all its banners bearing
The name of Washington.
We meet to day in gladness:-
As moves our host along,
No note of painful sadness
Is mingled with our song;
This day, renowned in story,
The day of freedom's birth,
We hail in all its glory,
We highly prize its worth.
The temp'rance flag is waving,
O'er valley, hill, and plain,
Where ocean's sons are braving,
The dangers of the main;
The pledge, the pledge, is given
To float on every breeze,
Waft it, propitious heaven,
O'er all the earth and seas.
Our cause, our cause, is gaining
New laurels every day;
The youthful mind we're training,
To walk in virtue's way;
Old age, and sturdy manhood,
Are with us heart and hand,
Then let us all united
In one firm phalanx stand.
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