John Pierpont

1785-1866 / the United States

Fill A Bumper Of Water

Fill a bumper of water that's pure from the spring,
Bright sparkling and clear as the glass,
And with rapture the joyous emotions we'll sing,
Which enliven our hours as they pass
We'll spurn the rude mirth of the wine-bibber's bowl,
While our Abstinence pleasures exceed it,
And we give you the Pledge with our heart and our soul,
Here's success to the cause and God speed it,
God speed it-God speed it,
Here's success to the Pledge, and God speed it.
Surrounded by virtue, by beauty, and youth,
Dear woman we drink to thy charms;
If we pledge thee in water, we pledge thee in truth
And we take thee with joy to our arms.
Go look at our homes and observe the glad smile,
What welcome on earth can exceed it,
Where affection thus greets us our cares to beguile,
Then success to the Pledge, and God speed it,
God speed it-God speed it,
Success to the Pledge and God speed it.
Tho' we boast not of wealth yet we gladly impart
To a brother a share of our store,
And we hail him with feelings of joy from the heart,
When the slave of Intemperance no more;
Our motto is sympathy, friendship and love,
And aid to a friend should he need it,
Our Charter's recorded by Angels above,
Then success to the Pledge and God speed it,
God speed it-God speed it,
Success to the Pledge and God speed it.
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