John Pierpont

1785-1866 / the United States

Female Aid Solicited

O, that the Lord would hear
Our supplicating cry;
In our behalf appear,
A Saviour ever nigh;
And shine in every woman's heart,
That she may take an active part.
Let Sarahs now arise,
And Miriams all come forth;
With Hannahs truly wise,
To prove their genuine worth.
No power like theirs-save that above,
To teach sobriety and love.
Marys and Marthas join,
Ye vessels of his grace,
Counsel with love combine,
To save our sinking race;
And bid them of strong drinks beware,
That they may shun the tempter's snare.
Come all ye lovely train,
Those nobler powers display;
Nor shall you plead in vain,
But win the well fought day.
Mothers and maidens then will sing,
And earth with hallelujahs ring.
Each house shall then become
A paradise below;
And all enjoy a home,
Where sweetest pleasures flow:
Pure temp'rance through our land will shine,
And prove your labors are divine.
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