John Pierpont

1785-1866 / the United States

Christmas Hymn

No moon hung o'er the sleeping earth,
But, on their thrones of light,
The stars, that sang ere morning's birth,
Filled the blue vault of night
With heavenly music;-earthly ears
Not often catch the hymn;
It was 'the music of the spheres,'
The song of seraphim.
But there were those in Judah's land,
Who watched, that night, their fold,
Who heard the song of the angel band,
As o'er them was unrolled
The starry glory;-and there came
This burst of heavenly song,
From mellow tubes and lips of flame,
In chorus loud and long.
'To God be glory!-for, this day,
Hath shot, from Judah's stem,
A Branch, that ne'er shall know decay:-
The royal diadem
Shall grace the brows of one, whom ye
Shall in a manger find;
For, him hath God raised up to be
The Saviour of mankind.
'To God be glory! Peace on earth!
Glory to God again!
For, with this infant Saviour's birth,
There comes good will to men!'-
Good will to men! O God, we hail
This, of thy law the sum;
For, as this shall o'er earth prevail,
So shall thy kingdom come.
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