John Hartley

1839-1917 / England

A Wife

Wod yo leead a happy life?
Aw can show yo ha,--
Get a true an lovin wife,--
(Yo may have one nah.)
If yo have, remember this,
Be a true man to her,
An whativver gooas amiss,
Keep noa secrets throo her.

Some chaps think a wife's a toy,
Just for ther caressin;
But sichlike can ne'er enjoy,
This world's richest blessin.
Some ther are who think 'em slaves,
Fit for nowt but drudgin,
An if owt ther fancy craves,
Give it to 'em grudgin.

Dooant forget yor patient wife,
Like yorsen is human,
For yo owe yor precious life,
To another woman.
Mak her equal wi' yorsen,
(Ten to one shoo's better,)
Tell her all yor plans, an then
If shoo'll help yo, let her.

Oft yo'll find her ready wit,
An her keen perception,
Help yo're slower brains a bit
Wi' some new conception.
Dooant expect 'at wives should be
Like dumb breedin cattle,
Spendin life contentedly
Wi' ther babby's prattle.

If yo happen to be sick,
Then they nurse an tend yo,
An when trubbles gether thick,
They can best befriend yo.
An if sympathy yo need,
Thear yo'll sure receive it,
Yo accept it, but indeed,
Yo but seldom give it.

If life's journey yo'd have breet,
Mak yor wife yor treasure,
Trustin her booath day an neet,
Sharin grief an pleasure.
Then yo'll find her smilin face,
Ivver thear to cheer yo,
An yo'll run a nobler race,
Knowin 'at shoo's near yo.
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