I can recall the day
When childhood died.
I had grown thin and tall
And eager-eyed.
Such a false happiness
Had seized me then;
A child, I saw myself
Man among men.
Now I see that I was
Ignorant, surprised,
As one for the surgeon's knife
So that I did not know
What loomed before,
Nor how, a child, I became
A child no more.
The world's sharpened knife
Cut round my heart;
Then something was taken
And flung apart.
I did not, could not know
What had been done.
Under some evil drag
I lived as one
At home in the seeming world;
Then slowly came
Through years and years to myself
And was no more the same.
I know now an ill thing was done
To a young child
By the world's wary knife
Maimed and defiled.
I can recall the day
Almost without anger or pain,
When childhood did not die
But was slain.