John Bowring

1792-1872 / England

Dedicatory Hymn

Composed For The Opening of Chapel Lane Chapel
Beyond the immeasurable space
Where glimmers the remotest star;
Beyond those cycles whence we trace,
Though faintly, what we were and are;
The only lights that smile and shine,
And elevate, are Thee and thine.
From Thee to thine we grope our way,
But feel more vigour as we grope;
While darkness brightens into day,
And faith is born of trembling hope:
And on still-strengthening pinions we
Soar up from what is thine-to Thee!
Be with us now! The pile we rear
In reverence-may the worshipper
Who seeks Thy presence find it here;
Thyself the Great Interpreter
To unveil the veiled-to pour Thy light
In all its glories-infinite.
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