John Bowring

1792-1872 / England

Dedication Of First Edition: To Dr. Lant Carpenter

Within my infant breast paternal care
The living seed of young devotion planted,
And watched and watered it-and prayed and panted,
That it might spring and bud and blossom there.
'Twas timid, unobtrusive,-for it wanted
The guidance of some mild interpreter
To give its breathings utterance-form its prayer,
And guide its heavenward tendency. 'Twas granted!
Thy hand led on the trembling wanderer,-
Thy voice spoke sweet encouragement-the boy
Ripened into man, and now delights to bring
To its old shrine a spring-tide offering:
Accept it! 'tis the grateful votary's joy
To blend his name with thine in union here.
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