John Abbot

1588-1650 / England

The Fable Of Philo The Jew, Amplified.

Who gave himself existence, gave us all
The being that we have, ordered this Ball
We trample with a word, and without sweat
Gave essence, and existence to the great
And lesser Creatures, and requir'd no more
Materials pre-existent, then a poore
Nothing, and thence with an all-potent hand
First made, then perfected Fire, Ayre, Sea, Land.
Nor is the worke by patterne, but he takes
Himselfe, and of his worke th' Idea makes.
VVhen did God make those intellective Peeres
Guardians of Mankind, Guiders of the Spheres?
Lets reckon every imaginarie Age
Before they undertook the Pupillage
Of Adams Orphans, or shall we agree
As parcels of large Natures Machin, he
Gave them Coevall being. How e're wee'l joyne
In this, the workmanship was most divine.

Did he suite Heaven with a more glorious Robe
Then is the garment of our Earthly Globe?
Is the stuffe other then of things below?
Or an extracted Quintessence? be't so
Or what it will, we are sure with singular Art
God finished, and polisht every part.
And viewing all as in a maze he stood
And with much Complacence pronounc't all's Good.

VVhen Babels frantick Architects intend
Their Tower should as Heavens Pallaces ascend,
God goes i'th sacred Triads Companie
To view what this presumptuous work should bee,
And disallowing their transcendent Pride,
He stayes the work, and workmen doth divide.
So many Ages past, attended by
His glorious Courtiers, he Commands them eye,
And curiously observe the worlds vast frame;
Then tell him what was wanting in the same.
For he had heard (although he let it passe)
How Momus had desir'd a looking glasse
Should in the brest of man be plac't, to show
VVhat were his inward thoughts, that all might know
VVhose ends were crooked, whose pretensions right,
Discern the just man from the Hypocrite.

A fond request, and contrary to that,
VVhich when man formed was God leveld at.
For he created Men with libertie
In will, and action, and if all should see
VVhat are the deep designes at which they aime,
Both action, and invention, would be lame.

As Moyses from Mount Nebo viewd the soile
Of Fertile Chanaan, which by warlike toile
The Tribes must gaine, and with their weapons meet
Those Regions, which must make their warfare sweet.
So in a Moment helpt with glories light,
These Angels have presented to their sight
The Universe, the Heavens, the Earth, the Seas,
And whatsoever is containd in these.
In Heaven they see an immense Amplitude,
And spatious Tabernacles for the Good
(VVho imitating Angels, and by Grace
Vanquish the ill with good shall have a place)
The many Orbes are objects of their sight,
The fixt and wandring Tapers of the Night,
VVee'l not believe, but they both see, and know
VVhat distance is 'twixt Heaven and us below.
Should I tell you, that some huge Milstone hurld
From th' highest Heaven to th' Center of the world
VVould aske twice threescore yeares 'fore it descend,
To the said Centre and his journie end.
And wee'l allow for every hower, the while
It is in motion, at least forty mile.
Then guesse what distance is 'twixt Heaven and us,
By the swift motion of this ponderous
Descendant. Spake I so, you'le laugh and say
How know you this? or who hath rid the way?
How many are the stages? with the Sun
VVho took post horse, and through the Zodiack run?

The Angels know this truth; yet in lesse time
Then one short hour, a soul that's pure can climbe
To th' top of the Empyrean Heavens; such force
And expedition hath a vertuous course
Of life. Our Angels with amazement viewd
The flaming Sun, still burning, nere renewed;
Who by the lending of his glorious light
Or the with-holding, measures day and night.
'Tis strange so vast a Body every day
And every night, should travail so much way,
As from the East to West, and then return
To make another journey the next morn.
We daily see't and therefore make it light,
Because it is so daily in our sight.

Whose hand but the Almighties can sustain
Those Magazines of Snow, of Hail, of Rain
Ith' Ayrie Regions, that they not descend
At once, and with a deluge make an end
Of all. VVho firmes the Earth, and with just lines
The East, the VVest, the South, the North designes?
On what substantiall Bases do's it stand?
Or is it propt only by Gods right hand?
VVho wrought and put on the main Seas their shrowds
And like some new-born babe wrapt 'em in Clouds
For swadling clouts? who a confining barre
Could set upon 'em, bid 'em passe so farre
And passe no further? Thus the Oceans bounds
Circling not swallowing the embraced grounds,
Are a new wonder. Then amidst the waves
They hear how that unweldie Monster raves
The VVhale: and laugh at his complaints, because
They are injurious to the wholsome Lawes
Of God, and nature. Let us hear his song
Then vindicate Gods providence from wrong.

Is not the whole circumference of the Maine
The Baltick Sea, the Seas of France and Spaine,
The waves that glide by India, Africa,
Sufficient space for him to feed, and play
And chase the Orke. Myriads of miles at least
Are thought a prison by this Monstrous Beast,
And Nature is injurious that hath put
Him in a Goale, and in a dungeon shut.
Are Londoners in prison 'cause the Line
Limits their gadding, and their Outworks confine
Their pleasant walkes; the Ocean that surrounds
Our Island, washing all our English grounds
Speaks England but a Goale. Mans noble mind
VVithin this house compos'd of clay confinde,
Although it can ith' twinkling of an eye
On wings of swift imagination flye
Thorough the Vniverse, transcend the skie
And comment even on Gods immensitie;
Yet is a Captive and close prisoner,
(Our mixed Elements the Goalers are)
And only death can grant a full discharge,
And with his warrant the thrald soul inlarge.
But wherefore will Leviathan complaine
VVho for his rendevous hath all the Maine
And hundreth Seas? Because he cannot go
Into the Straits of Archipelago.
There the wise God of nature doth provide,
VVhere ships continually and Navies ride,
Many Charihdaes, Scyllaes dangerous rocks
Facing that Isle, where fed the fleecie flocks
Of Polypheme. That for the generall good
And his own safety, no Atlantick flood
Should bear this Monster: but where billowes break
At great Alcides Pillars, there they speak
A Non plus ultra to the VVhale. For if
He enter should the Levant Sea, no Skif,
No vessell could be safe: nor he himselfe;
But every rock, and every shallow shelfe
VVould menace death, and danger: to prevent
VVhich inconveniences, wise nature meant,
He should be barr'd those Deeps, his duller eye
Not able Rocks and dangerous Syrts to spye;
VVhich would his too unweldy body teare
Peece-meale, and he must every minute feare
Present destruction. Should he be pursu'de
By covetous man (and certainly he wou'de)
VVhat rills of brinish water can he throw,
Into the ayre, able to overthrow
The largest ship, and with his massie taile,
More spread then some huge Carrike under saile,
Or'ewhelme and drowne all vessels. To save these
Mischiefs, he ne're shall wallow in those Seas.

Now judge who is the Prisoner, who has cause
To grudge, and challenge Gods, and Natures Lawes.
So frantick Man like Absolon takes joy
In that, which shall his happinesse destroy.
The shrub envies the Cedar, and the Oake,
VVhen that stands firme, these feel the thundring stroke
Of angry Heaven. Poore men although despis'd
Are safe, when oft the Rich are sacrific'd.
VVee'd saile in plenty, but our puft up sailes
Are driven as well by rough as prosperous gales;
Those promise shipwrack more then these aport,
The Cottage hath lesse danger then the Court.
Was it not Villers Mothers Adage, shee
Vntill a Courtier ne're knew miserie.
And Straffords Father did advise his Sonne,
To run that race his Ancestors had run.

Had he obayed his prudent sire, and lead
A private life, no Troops had seen his head
Chopt off, and the inconstant Multitude
First thirsting, then triumphing in his bloud,
This Canterbury, conscious of his parts,
How greedily, and with what wilie arts
Got he to be a States-man; with what sweat
And study did he labour to be great?
But whereto serves his Grace, his dignities,
But to make more deplorde the Precipice?
Yet all like Frantick Icarus will flye
Aloft, although they perish in the skye.
And Phaeton will beg to guide the Sunne
A day, although before that day be done
He rue his rash attempt. Such things are sweet
That are prohibited, or else not meet.
God meanes to give us bread not stinging scorpions,
When he raines on us blessings or afflictions.
But we divert his purpose, and misuse
His providence, not knowing how to use
What he intends for blessings. Many are
Like D' Alva's Duke oppressed better far
Then in prosperity. But we will runne
The wild goose chase untill we are undone.
If in adversity say God's unjust;
If in prosperity, follow what lust,
Spleen, avarice, and ambition dictate, look
On lately glorious London. 'Tis a book
Worth the perusall: nay let's trace about
The Circuite of the Kingdome, and find out
What Devill, what Enyo sowed these tares
Amongst us, and engendred all these warres,
That have destroyed our Brittish Isle, and rent
The Kingdome, 'twixt the King and Parliament.

Who sayes who's faulty? He or they? The King
A God on Earth, a consecrated thing
Cannot transgresse, and being the only source
Whence Iustice, and our Laws derive their force
Must needs be pure. They Iethro's Elders are,
Englands supreamest Senate, whom the care
Of the whole Kingdome chose, to cure the sick
Condition of the Body Politick.
And 'twere a sin t'imagine these should erre
Their own, before their publike good prefer.
How then rise all these tumults, these sad jarres
The clamour of the Dium, intestine warres?
VVhat is the Origen? where springs the cause
Of all these plagues we suffer, 'gainst the lawes
O reason, dictating that every State
Preserve it selfe, not set wide ope a gate
To its own destruction, and as Trojans did
(Cheated by perjur'd Synon) fondly bid
Their foes, nay haile themselves the fatall Steed
Stuft with Vlisses, Pyrrhus, Diomed,
VVho issuing forth shall Dardans Town destroy,
VVith flames consume the lofty Towers of Troy.
Speak better Muses, what wrong'd Deitie
Hath brought on England so much miserie?
VVho has inflamde our English blouds to sheath
Their swords in English breasts, and to make Death
Ride in such triumph; where our English are
The sad attendants of his duskie Car.

VVhen the Assyrians shall be punish'd, God
Fetches no hostile forces from abroad,
But skares the souldiers with a Pannick fright,
And makes Assirians with Assyrians fight:
They on themselves their spleen and malice spend,
Brother kis brother, friend his dearest friend.
Nor can they bragge of Conquest, as no blade
But their own swords this bloody slaughter made.
We drinke the Dutch downe, and our whoring's more
Then the hot Spaniards, more hard to the poore
Then Iewes we are; blaspheaming, swearing, play,
Our prophanation of the Sabboth day;
Cheating our Neighbour: and we have so many
Religions with us, that we scarce have any.
These sinnes which gliblie we as water drink
Have fil'd the cup of vengeance to the brink,
Which God kept still, and would not give command
It should be powred upon Sea and Land
By his revenging Ministers, but would
So order Iustice that Egyptians should
Punish Egyptians: heare the Prophets tale
How the deluding spirit did prevaile
In wicked Iorams ruine, and be bold,
To say Names, changd, of Vs the story told.

Heavens Gates were opend, and a Parliament
Proclaimd concerning England: thither went
The Cherubin, and Seraphin, the Peeres
VVhose constant care it is to volve the spheeres.
Angels, Archangels, Principalities,
The Thrones, Powers, Vertues, Dominations, these
Make the grand Senate, and the VVrit Records;
There's no Lower House, but all of them are Lords.
The Pursuivants, Informers, Goalers waire,
And are attendants; when the Kingdomes State
At VVestminster Assembles, to peach those,
They vote the Common-weales, and Peaces foes.
To take 'em to their stricter Custodie,
VVhen 'tis thought fit by the grave Committee.
So the black fiends to their Creators Grace,
Ingratefull, though they forfeired their place
In Heaven, yet when like consultations are,
Approach the sacred Court, but stand off far,
From glories throne; and answer questions made
Touching the lives of men with whom they trade:
For did not Satan fully speak his sence,
When God demanded of Iobs innocence?

The Synod sat, and the Assembly fild,
(Though Heaven is alwayes full) Iehovah wild
One of the Cherubs to relate the Cause
Of their Convokement. After some short pause
A volume is produced, which begins,
And ends with the relation of our sins.
And every page was blotted, every line,
With faults of Peter, Paul, Iohn, Iames, thine, mine,
And all were true; should they have been deni'd,
The Devills would them all have justifi'd.
There was alledg'd we drink the Dutch downe, whore
More then the Spaniard, not releive the poore;
All our dissemblings, and hypocrisies,
Thefts, cheating, swearing, cursing, blasphemies;
How we Religion out the Kingdome fright,
When for opinions, and our sects we fight.
Corruptions in the practise of our lawes;
How many injust Verdicts? and the Cause
By bribes, or favour thrives. A letter can
Corrupt a Iudge, undoe an honest man.
The Tribe of Levi stand before the Bar,
But as their Acts i'th high Commission are
Examin'd; some good Angels undertake
Next Parliament should with them order take.
Th' inditement being at last fully read out,
The Court was silent, and all lookd about;
No Advocate stood up, and if there had
Been some defendant, our Cause was so bad,
No Rhetorick could availe. God does demand
How he shall chastise this transgressing Land,
The Angels being all mercy would not speak;
When a rude multitude of Devills break
Into the Conclave, and their ready aide
Offering, advise some forraign foe invade
The Land, as had the Danes, and Saxons done,
And Bastard William the whole Kingdome wonne.
But others judge too slow this punishment,
Therefore think best a pestilence should be sent
And in a moment many thousands kill,
And hell with soules, the grave with bodies fill.
A meaguer Elve, whose thin jawes downwards fall,
His teeth appeare, his cheeks no flesh at all
But skin and bones, like some anatomie
You see in Chirurgeons Hall, requests that he
May be chiefe act our in this businesse, and
He would bring Egypts famine on the Land.
And this might seem their fitter punishment;
Whom wealth and plenty had made insolent.

'Midst these debates from the Abisse of hell
(VVhere constant horrour and confusion dwell)
A furie came; who flying through the ayre,
VVith smoake and flashes, and with thunder, tare
Huge Rocks asunder; blasted the green corn,
Gave death to blossomes, kild the fruit new born.
The ruddie tincture from the Roses fled,
The purple violet hung downe his head;
The Heliotrope enamor'd of the Sun
Fearing his love was lost, the world undone;
Dreading now only an eternall shade,
Pluckt in his glorious colours and decay'd.
Natures vast frame forgets the pristine state,
And all her creatures turn retrogradate.

So have I seen the boisterous blasts conspire
VVith angry heaven, and the Ætherean fire
By furious whirlwinds and tempestuous weather,
To dammage the whole Vniverse together.
And as the Monster mounted on his way
Towards Heaven, the Sun forgetting it was day
Vnable, or afraid t'endure the fight
Puts out his glorious Taper, and made night.
The Fiend arriv'd at the Olympian Gates
Crav'd audience, and admittance of the States.
Our sins gave easie entrance, (only sinne
Can make the Devill ground on mortals winne)
Admitted, backward from his threatning front,
He twirld the Serpent that hung dangling on't.
And with a hideous Roare uttered these words:

“You Citizens of Sion, and blest Lords
“Constant possessours of that Grace and roome,
“VVhich we have lost by Heavens severest doome.
“You much deliberate; and of your Consults,
“VVhat other benefit, but delay results?
“Have you resolved that the Brittish Land
“Merits chastisement? Does your pleasure stand,
“It shall be punisht? Leave the manner how
“And meanes to me; only doe you allow.
“Nor sword, nor plague, nor famine, but all these
“By my invention shall bring miseries
“More then enough upon this Isle; I aske
“Commission: grant it; then be it my taske
“To act the Minister of Vengeance. VVayes
“I have innumerable: since Adams dayes
“I have conversed with his Of-spring: can
“Tell Arts, how to inveigle foolish Man,
“Make him trrnsgresse the precepts of his God;
“Violate all Lawes, then whip him with a Rod
“Sharper then Scorpions: bound up by himselfe,
The Court amaz'd at what the Stygian Elfe
Had boasted, bid him tell the manner how
Hee'd act it: they would his designes allow.
Nor should he doubt of their most firm assent
It should be voted in the Parliament.
Hell and the Devils capred at these words,
And with a hushing murmure thankt the Lords.
The Fiend erected with such ample leave,
Vnfolds how he would his inventions weave.

“I'le strait about the Isle my progresse make
“And with me for my fit associates take
“Suspition, Anger, Hatred, Discontent,
“Murmure, dislike at present Government;
“Envy and Rancour, Feares and Iealousies,
“Open detractions, more close calumnies,
“Conspiracie, Rebellion alwayes quaking
“For feare to be surpriz'd: Treason still waking
“To doe a mischiefe. Griping penury
“Dogging at the heeles of prodigality.
“Ambitious hopes to raise what is decaid,
“And what Peace cannot purchase, by the blade.
“These I'le disperse through the whole Kingdome, and
“Make Sons against their Fathers, Brothers band
“Against their Brothers, when good Abell slain
“Fell down, I at the elbow stood of Cain.
“Such industries I have, I can set strife
“'Twixt freind and dearest freind; man and his wife.
“The Nobles, Commons, Gentrie, Il'e inflame
“With such dire furies, that the very name
“Of Peace shall be detested. Death and blood
“To Nobles, Gentry, and the multitude
“Shall be most deare: with violence they shall break
“Ope Ianus Temple, and the Drum shall speak
“In every Village warre, the Rurall swaine
“Shall leave his tillage, Shepheards leave the plaine:
“The Prentice shall forget what doe you lack?
“And joy to March with iron on his back,
“The Murrion on his head. And to advance,
“The common cause, with Gun, with sword, with launce;
“The Citizen weary of rest, lay down
“The Robe of Peace, his gracefull livery gown;
“Exchange security for doubtfull warres,
“And deem it honour to return with scarres
“From the unnaturall conflict; women shall,
“Animate their husbands by the sword to fall:
“Wives, VViddowes, Virgins, freely give their gold,
“And with their Iewels bloody strifes uphold.
“Though by the warre no other good they reap,
“Then to make VViddowes, VVives, and Virgins cheap,
“Men easily numbred; VViddowes shall be rife,
“And no great businesse then to get a wife.
“Midst these combustious turmoiles, the Glebe Land,
“Shall unmanured and untilled stand.
“The plough shall be neglected, and the corn
“By th' horse hoofe trampled, fade before full born
“'Tis fit for sickle. Graziers sell away
“Their beasts, lest kept they prove the souldiers pray,
“Then want and griping penury shall kill
“The wretches that survive, and Church-yards fill
“VVith starved corps; what warre and famine leave,
“Contagious pestilence shall of life bereave.
“So warre, plague, famine, in a league shall joyne
“To serve you, and performe what I designe.

The glorious Senate of the starry Hall
Voted allowance, and confirmed all
The Fiend demanded. So the sacred Court
Dissolves, and every Burges does resort
To his happy mansion; all the furies play,
And hell triumphing keeps a holy day.
For when their Rivall man suffers annoy
They have some slight, but momentary joy.

The Parliament thus ended, now begins
Our misery, and we may thank our sins,
Or rather curse 'em, that have brought these woe's
On England, made our selves domestick foes
Vnto our selves. No fights with France and Spaine,
Though we successive warfare with those twaine
Have lately wagde, issued so large a flood,
As these uncivill broyles of English blood.
One onely Sidney slaine, i'th Belgck fights,
But numbers numberlesse of Lords and Knights
Have perisht in these Conflicts. Let us look
VVith gushing eyes on Linsey, Daubeny, Brook,
Northampton, Denbigh, Greenvill, Grandison,
Should we count all, when would the list be done.
Nor can the Conquerour true Trophee raise,
As mournfull Cipres not triumphant baies
Become the victour, whose felicity
Is purchast, with his Countries misery.
Great Rome abhor'd any triumphant Car
Should grace successes of a Civill VVar;
VVhere so much blood, as might whole Regions get
Pollutes the Chariot, and the Consuls seat.
Have we no doubts of Holland, France, and Spaine?
Are the Irish quiet? No hopes to regain
The Electorall rights? Or will we not? That we
So prodigall in mutuall murthers be?
Our England is a shambles; our selves keep
The Butchershop: and are our selves the sheep.
And when at last we almost all are slain,
VVho'l keep us safe from Holland France and Spain?

But wee'l leave England weltring in its blood,
Permit Leviathan in the Ocean flood.
To range, and folowing our main intent,
Lift up our eyes to 'th spangled firmament;
Where we shall see the Angels, who survaid
By Gods command the Fabrick which he made;
Having past Heaven, the Ayre, the Sea, the Land
At sight of the Ant, in admiration stand.
Are there not other objects to delight,
The Angels contemplation? Does the sight
Of fierce Martichora deterre their view?
Dare they not eye him as he does pursue
Both Man and Beast? This horrid Monster made
By our Step mother, Nature to invade
And murther Morrals; seems a subject more
Worthy their admiration then the poore
Emmet. VVhat in his little compound can
In them breed wonder, when't doth not in Man?
But whose more curious pen had yet the power
Rightly to character the Martichore
His formidable shape, strength that exceeds
The greatest Lyons parched Africk breeds.
Body proportioned like that royall Beast
That awes the Forrest, Monarck of the rest.
The head, and face (O strange) just like the head
And face of Man, the skin a Tinto red.
Two slambewes for the eyes, the eye lids flush
Of brisled haire resembles Moyses bush
Still burning, not consuming: Eares not long,
Nor short, tide with a crisped thong
Are still erect. His mouth stands open'd wide,
Three rowes of Teeth, like Combes on either side.
Insinuate a new Hell, that every houre
Consume, yet alwayes covet to devoure,
Then in his brushie Taile the wondrous strength,
In magnitude a Cubit, three in length:
With which as some stor'd Magazine well arm'd
He enters battaile, and with fury warm'd
Assailes the Huntsmen, who pursue him; and
Disdaining to be chased, makes a stand
And as the Porcupine or Ostrich throwes,
His piercing darts amongst his thickest foes.
So Roman Legions the swift Parthians dread
VVhen as pursu'd, retreating they make head
Against their following foes, and dare assaile
VVith winged shafts flying as stormes of haile
'Midst the condensed Brigades. In such guise
The inraged Monster, with much fury eyes
VVhere he shall shoot, then with innumerous store
Of forked Iavelins, his pursuers gore.
The Taile, his Quiver, and his Bow, which he
Can mennage with such rare dexteritie
This way, that way, backwards and forwards bend,
On every side his dangerous arrowes send,
That no side is secure; more, he will take
His very nailes, and of them weapons make.
Then the bird swifter he, swifter then winde,
VVho ever chac'd him but was left behind?
Miles nor demensions, cannot hinder him,
Come to broad Rivers hee'l leap o're, not swim.

If any Creature would the Angels move
To wonder, here would be a Theame above
The silly Ant. Fond mortall so speak I,
But they are better furnisht to descry
The artifice of the best Makers hand,
And at his workmanship amazed stand.
They see the Causes joynd with the effects,
VVe see the Creatures, and make them the Text.
Of some short wonder, but not mount so high
As to the Cause, one onely Deitie.

Who only could in his al-knowing mind
(The true Idea that showes every kind
Of Creatures) first their Natures represent
Vnto himselfe, then being omnipotent
Existence give, store them with qualities
VVhich passe the ignorant, amaze the wise.
This, this eternall Mover had a will
In the small Ant to shew his infinite skill.
And it shall be our better Muses charge
To speake the Angels wonderment at large.
And thinke the subject well deserves our Rimes
When th' Oracles of Learning, and their times
Bazil? and Ierome (what a paire of men)
On the like Theame imploy'd their sacred pen.
'Tis certain there's some more extensive Art
I'th' Fabrick of the World, then of a Part.
Yet as much skill to make a Gnat or Flye,
As to create the ninefold Hierarchy.
Why so? Cannot an Actor merit praise
I'th' Idiots part, as well as he that playes
The haughty Monarch, and at every straine
Expresses Pompey, or great Tamerlane.
According to the bulke we value not
The Artists skill, but truly estimate
Him perfect in his opifice, when he
Makes his expressions just as they should be.
And our great Artist in the silly Ant,
Hath showne more skill then in the Elephant.
Here's a vast body able to containe
And act all functions which he should ordaine.
But in the Pismire how can every sence
Be so compleat, and have their Residence?

So fit for action, marke the gracefull eyes,
The tast, the smell, the feeling, nimble thighs
Alwayes in motion. Where the Mussicles?
For spleen, gaul, liver, where receptacles?
Yet sure all these are there: the wits the arts
Contain'd, and practis'd in those slender parts
May seem a Prodigie. VVhat vertues crowne
The Ants, with which they easily put downe
Most of our Mortals. Prudence, Fortitude,
Religion, scarce knowne of the multitude,
Observ'd exactly in their Common weale
VVhere all are daily labourers, none feele,
Or know what's want. VVorthy to have for sons,
The great Achilles frugall Myrmidons.
Lycurgus gloried that he form'd a State
In Sparta where no loytring Runnagate
VVas to be hir'd to goe on Errands; were
Our Land so fortunate, we should not feare
In travel to be made the Felons prey,
At home to have our goods purloind away.
Now idlenesse hath fild full every Goale,
Made hard necessity so far prevaile
That the every must supply what labour ought;
And late repentance at the Gallowes bought,
Be dearely rated. These combustions have
Planted a Nursery to make fat the Grave,
The Gibbets groane, undoe a flourishing Land;
VVhilst high wayes eccho with the theeves word, stand.
For what can be expected of such men
Bred up to spoile and rapine in the Den
Of Cacus? loosely dissipating what
By plundering, theft, and pillaging was got.
But when the clamour of the Drum shall cease,
And England be made happy with a Peace
The selfe-same riotous and licentious course
Begun, must be maintained with a worse.

Had not as Rome, proud Carthage as great powers,
As large command at Sea, as lofty Towers;
As populous a Citie, VValls as strong?
In which presuming; they made war so long
VVith mighty Rome, in Sicilie and Spaine,
And as their losse was equall, so their gaine.
Yet when the warres are done and leagues are made,
By Mercinaries, Carthage is betraid;
And their own souldiers ruine Carthage more
Then all the warres they ever wag'd before.
As ceasing Hippo, Tunis, Vtica,
Solliciting disgusted Africa;
They siege the Citie, and the world had seen
Carthage in flames, had not Hamilcar been.
VVill not the cashirde souldiers imitate
These stipendiaries, and undoe our State?
VVill not new Spendi and new Mathos rise,
And for Remattos make a sacrifice
Of glorious London? and our Civill Iarres
Conclude at last as theirs with sociall warres?
Men bred in ease, accustomed to spoile
VVill make a booty of their native soile.
And conscious of the mischiefs they have done
(VVith Spendius from his Roman Master run)
Fearing the penall Lawes and Iustice course,
Secure their wicked acts by acting worse.

No such Republick 'mongst the Pismires is,
But every one taught what belongs to his
Duty, performes it cheerfully, and spares
No honest toile, but with much labour cares
To feed the following winter. In one day
VVe consume all, the next look out for prey
And so we get a booty, never look
How 'tis obtaind, whether by hook or crook.
They hoard up corn, but not as Farmers doe
And covetous Curmudgions, that undoe
The poore and country, to bring out again,
And dearly sell it in a dearth of graine.
But as good souldiers our industrious Ants
Are provident, and skilfull, what sad wants
Follow a winter siege, oppresse a Towne
Beleaguered, in the spring goe up, and downe
In Summer, and in Autumne, bring in grain
And plenteous Ammunition, to maintain
Their Forts and selves besieg'd by raine, haile, Snowes,
Continuall Frosts, (the Emmets yearly foes)
To prevent which, they alwayes carefull are
And keep themselves in a defensive warre.

Nor doe these little creatures alwayes toyle,
That would their bodies and continuance spoyle;
But have some seasons in their Common-wealth
Ordered by nature, to preserve their health;
VVherein they celebrate their wakes, hold fares
And sequestrated from Domestick cares,
Receive each other with much charity,
Offer their vowes to hospitality.
(A Deity conserving friendship) and
Did we their speech and Commerce understand,
Their friendly colloquies, kind salutations,
Free entertainment, harmlesse recreations;
VVee'd judge ther's more true happinesse, true mirth
In those Meandred Cavernes of the Earth,
Amongst these little Chits, then in the Feasts
Of mighty Potentates, where Royall Guests
Are entertaind with all magnificence;
And much contention to please every sence.

Marke Antonie, Lucullus, and Apicius;
Never as these made banquets so delicious.
Yet all the Kates which in one meale they eate,
Mounts only to some twenty cornes of wheat.
Fresh River water fild in some Nutshell
Shall quench their thirst, and please 'em wondrous well:
No healths, but hearty draughts walk round about,
For they by rules of nature have found out,
Much drinking hurts the health, empties the purse:
The deadly bane of wisdome; madnesse, nurse,
The fruitfull Mother of fantastick fits,
Broacher of quarrels, deluge of best wits.
Therefore our Ants who much respect their gaine,
Love Peace, are Witty, still preserve their braine.
How else could they keep Marts, labour, have health?
How in such Peace conserve their Common-wealth?

Their Kerimas expired they retire
And rest themselves, till Titans cheerfull fire
Shall warme the world. Then hating nothing more
Then sloth, in thickest Cohorts they explore
The adjacent Regions, and bring forage home:
Some laden are with wheat, with barley some,
And in the way how curteously they meet,
And their deare freinds comming full loaden greet?
Congratulate their labours, civilly,
Decline the path, gently let them passe by?
VVhen as a Coach-man and a Car-man chance
To meet together, both strive to advance
Though one ride empty, th' other full, and all
The streets are cumbred as these Carters braule.
Nay swords sometimes are drawne, and clubs and staves;
And Constables are fetcht to part the knaves.
The coached Madamoisels affrighted crie,
And skipping out take for their sanctuarie
The nearest shop. Our Ants are better taught,
And empty yeild the way to such who fraught,
With Ammunition travaile. The pert Elves
Venture on burthens bigger then themselves,
And master 'em as forwards, backwards they
Heave at the burthen, and try every way;
Nay when the single strength of one or two
Helps not, they prove what multitudes can doe
Flocking together in condensed bands,
And easily conveigh through many hands
Their wished loade. So have I seen in Spaine
By many Ants, a well-growne Lyzard slaine;
And hurried to their holes. There's not more sport
In Paris Garden, when they set a sort
Of Massive Dogs upon a single Beare,
And Beare and Dog shall one another teare,
Tug, weary, bite, then when these shall assaile
The Lyzard; seize on sides, back, head and tail,
Here, there stop him, as if he were in nets,
And when with violent force from them he gets,
The gathered multitude trip up his heeles,
Yet still he strives; but as a Drunkard reeles
Stopt by so many, nor can he get far,
So vigilant the Interlopers are.
Here he falls, there he rises, makes a stand,
(And stand he must) whilst they with their black band
Assault on all sides, and the eager hounds
Following the chase, inflict many slight wounds
VVhich multiplyed, prove fatall: he must yeild
At last, who 'gainst a Myriad fights a field.
VVas it Achilles, or his Myrmidons,
That slew the first and best of Priams sonnes?
'Tis certaine Hector was the better Knight,
But what one man, can with a thousand fight?

Pharaoh is plagu'd with multitude of Flyes,
And Cæsar prickt with many bodkins dies.
The battaile done, and having got the day
They busied are how to dispose the prey.
The slaughtred corps for winter must provide,
Therefore with skill their Stations they divide.
Heave at the carcasse here, there, every where;
And by degrees to their dark Cavernes beare.
So stones of ponderous weight we often see
Carried with art, and like dexterity,
To repaire Paules. And if the putrifi'd
Corps shall annoy their Garners not well dri'd,
VVith the same skill they bring it forth again
Expose to the ayre, to heate, to cold, to raine,
Vntill at last 'tis season'd and made good,
Then carry it back to make their winter food.
Of which they are so carefull, that no weather,
Shall hinder them their winter crop to gather.
And shame our souldiers that goe out to plunder,
And having got a petty booty, under
Some Taverne, or poore Alehouse roofe devoure
Their naughtily gotten prey in one short houre.
Emmets no more then men immortall are
But sometimes die, yet with more pious care
Then many men, they shall be buryed,
And obsequies performed to the dead.
Vnlesse you fee Sir Richard and the Knave
His Clarke; the Sexton that shall dig the grave,
Keep your dead bodies, of them Mummie make:
No needy soules will churlish Charon take
For passengers into his leaking boate,
That are not able to defray their groat.

How many vertues in our Emmets shine?
VVhat providence, what piety? what divine
Religion? how much charity to men?
As they dig Treasures out the Minerals, then
Hide them in holes with much sollicitude,
Not avaritious but for mankinds good.
For know amongst the Northerne Indians are
A race of Ants more great, more fit for warre
Then these with us, yet qualifi'd as these
With the same graces, the same industries.
These as laborious as the others spare
No Summer travaile, but with serious care
Fill Granaries with corne, and in the spring
And Autumne daily Ammunition bring
Against the winter, nor then will they rest,
But digging i'th earths bowels, where the best
Silver and gold lie hid, take out the Ore,
And in their Cells the precious mettalls store.
And knowing how much damage gold do's man,
Hoard up, and hide with all the care they can
That strong supporter of uncivill Iarres
Treasons reward, that sinewes of the warres;
That implement of pride and lawlesse pleasures
Ambitions nurse, suckled by golden treasures
What made great Walstein aime to be a King,
But golden Rivers and a silver spring:
The fomenters and hatchers of all evill,
The best deserving vassailes of the Devill.
As Cæsars Generall, Villages and Townes
He plundered; Nobles, Citizens, and Clownes,
And got such summes that nothing could content
His swelling spirits, but regall government.
What has man got by all the Indian pelfe,
But many talents to undoe himselfe.
Our England, Ireland, Italy, France, Spaine,
Dane, Polak, German, had sufficient gaine
Before we understood what Inguts were
But when we had full Carracks of them, there
Stept in ambition, and deep Policie
Aimes at an Europian Monarchie
Encourag'd and supported, by that plate
That comes from Peru, a most easie gate
To enter Kingdomes (did not Philips Asse
At any time through any City passe)
Where the sword could not? then the world combines
And strong against the house of Austria joynes.
VVhy was the Spaniard rich? why did he bring
The gold from India to undoe his King?
'Twas Charles the fifts wise word, wars had not been
So long in Europe, had not Christians seen
So much of Spanish gold: Monarkes defray
Out their own stock, Rebellious souldiers pay
As Philip did, and Philips sonne hath lost
The Netherlanders, yet was at the cost
To loose 'em. And sad warre shall never cease
Either by Conquest or a happy Peace,
So long as King and States find any Coyne
To maintaine warre. The Chieftaines shall combine
On either side: here they shall loose, gaine there;
This yeare the States shall winne, the King next yeare.
The pay-masters defraud the Captains, they
Cheat with false musters them; and of their pay
The souldiers. All the Mines of Potasie,
Cannot content the avarice of these three.
Else how should they maintaine themselves? how keep
Their wenches, goe so gallant, play, drink deep?
Meane while the Nobles, Peasants, Citizens
Fast and doe pennance for the souldiers sins.
But now a mighty inundation comes
Vpon the Hesperean Monark, 'as his summes
Exhausted, every smaller Bird resumes
His propper feathers from the Austrian plumes.
The Pythagorean Schollers dare divine
And Monarchies, and Common-weales consigne
To some fixt space, which ended they decay,
And in their Empires others beare the sway.
Revolve the Chronicles, sixe vultures flow
On either side of Romulus, to shew
Rome should six hundreth yeares like some new Moon
Be still augmenting, and those ages run;
Six hundreth yeares Rome daily should goe downe,
Vntill at last shee lost the Imperiall Crowne.
Let us come nearer. Meronius Race
Shall rule two hundreth thirty eight yeares space,
Then Pepin, and his Martialists shall come,
And inthroniz'd accomplish the same summe.
VVhich made compleat, nor past, they are cast downe;
And Capet, Valois, Burbon weare the Crown?
Are times expired, are the moments run?
Must the Hesperean Monarchy be done,
Must other Nations in his Empire come,
Give Lawes to more then halfe our Christendome?
Great Richelieu that Cardinall of France,
VVith Spaines destruction striving to advance
The French affaires, as Vindex roules a stone
Likely to justle Cæsar out his Throne.
This haughty Prelate like the Ivie growes
About the Mother Queen, and overthrowes
The Tree which gave him strength. (So many rise
By those of whom they make a sacrifice)
(VVe daily see so much) preferd by her
To th' King, and sworne a Privy Counsellour:
As Hannibal, vowes an eternall hate
Against the Spaniard, and chiefe Potentate
Of Germany. Can such soules that should be
The Thrones of Love, Temples of Lenitie
Conceive such fires? can Church-men who should breath
The Oracles of Peace, speak blood and death?
And make our world a new Calvaria; fild
With skuls of Gentry, and Plebeians kild.
Nay one great Monark to supply a roome,
Vouchsafes amongst the rest to have his tombe.

Say (Mary) why hast thou this fire-brand hurld
Amongst us to consume the wretched World?
Blood was shed fast enough. Why didst thou goe,
And fetch a fury from the depths below;
To make the world a shambles? But thy sins
Are well rewarded, as he first begins
With thy confusion: makes thee a Runnagate,
A beggar in this Kindome, and that State.
So Agrippine will have her Nero raigne,
Though as he swayes his Mother shall be slaine.
Imperiall Cities are sollicited,
The Princes, the Electours, and the Swede.
Lexes and Aoolph in strong leagues shall joyn
To share Beme, Austria, Franconie, and Rhine.
The conquering Swede shall think't a point of State
Not to surrender the Palatinate:
(Although he had ingag'd his Royall word,
Such small fidelity attends the sword.)
VVhat pen can write how many plagues invade
Afflicted Germany? Fire, Famine, Blade,
And pestilence. Ride forty leagues, and you
Shall scarce a Village or a Cottage view.
I'th' way lie many famish'd corps, that are
The bleeding Tests of an inhumane warre.
England reflect and feare 'twill be thy fate
To be as Germany so unfortunate,
Vnlesse the sager Councels of our King
And Parliament a mediation bring;
And make our Albion happy. VVhy should we
(The same blood, Language, Land) so cruell be
Vnto ovr selves? at last when all is done,
The Sonne shall grieve his Father is undone:
The Father that his Sonne is slaine; the Mother
Abhorre her Sonne because he kild his Brother.
Saturity of Bread, long ease, much pelfe,
Makes wanton England fight against it selfe.
VVhat France and Spaine could not, abundant store
Of gold, has made us miserablie poore.
Therefore our Indian Ants in love to man
Treasure up gold, and with what art they can
Keep't from us, that the ready impliments
Of strife remov'd, we buy not penitence
At too deare rates. Yet all their industry,
Cannot prevent their neighbours treachery.
For when Sol mounted high on Leo's back,
Or pressing Virgo through the Zodiak
Shall drive his steeds and with his scorching fire,
Cause the laborious Emmets to retire
Vnto their Cells: the false inhabitants
Of Darda steale the treasure of our Ants
Hid in remoter Magazins, but they
Knowing by th' sent the theeves have made a prey
Of their concealed wealth, like eager hounds
Pursue the flying Felons, and with wounds
Recover the lost booty, then returne
(Their gold amongst them, in much Triumph borne.)
The Conclusion

When the Angels had the ample world survaid,
And here and there in much amazement staid,
They all agreeing one sole Deitie
Could of so rare a work the workman be.
“One added 'twere a Luciferian pride
“VVhat's wanting, what's superfluous to decide;
“Since he made all whose wisdome best could see,
“VVhat, and how fashion'd, things he made, should be.
“Yet since we have a freedome to unfold
“Our sence, had I been Counsellour I would
“Have had a voice, more audible and higher
“Then of that Trump, which when a generall fire
“Consumes the world, shall summon soules to come
“To judgement; and receive their latest doome.
“This every day and houre should walke the round
“O'th' spatious Globe, and to the creatures sound
“The praise of their Creatour; with what art
“He made the world, and polisht every part.
“How Heaven and Earth at his appointment stand,
“Supported with a finger of his hand.
“How he the watry Meteors, snowes, hailes, raines
“I'th' aiery Regions, with a word sustaines;
“Gives limits to the swelling Ocean: then
“Extols his works amongst the sonnes of men.
“His orderd providence, supreamer love,
“Even to his enemies: as from above,
“He sent his only Sonne to pay the price
“Of Adams debt, and be a sacrifice
“For mans transgression; with his pretious bloud
“Purchast for sinfull man, Beatitude.
“So shall the learned and unlearned know,
“VVhence, why, and how the streames of graces flow,
“And wakened by this voice, their spirits raise,
“And be the Organs of their Makers praise.

Having spoke thus a Seraphin replies,
If this were granted, I would then advise
“The VVarlike Drum eternally should cease,
“And the world gently lul'd asleep by Peace.
“The noyse of warre being like the noise of hell,
“(VVhere constant horrour and confusion dwell.)
“VVhere Eccho Drums, and Guns, and Trumpets sound;
“Th' harmonious streines of Piety are drownd.
“VVe all love man, let's at Jehovah's Throne
“Petition, hee'd all differences attone.
“And Kings and Common-weales to union bring,
“That all may joyntly Allelujahs sing
“In Heaven; where are no jarres, no warres, no strife,
“But full fruition of a blessed life.
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