Joanna Baillie

1762-1851 / Scotland

A Third Hymn For The Kirk

UP , sluggard soul! awake and raise,
To thy blest Lord a song of praise,
Who lifts thee from the gloomy grave,
When low on earth thou liest,--
To Him who lived and died to save,
Hosanna in the highest!
To Him, thy friend of friends, whose love
Invites thee to a home above,
When thou, the world's poor outcast slave
In grief and anguish criest,--
To Him who lived and died to save,
Hosanna in the highest!
His love a living stream hath found
For pilgrims faint, on barren ground,
Their parched and languid souls to lave,
When earthly streams are driest,--
To him who lived and died to save,
Hosanna in the highest!
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