Jealously I say
"Hi social media, why do you exist?
To connect families and friends
Or also to destroy any relationship on the rise in the midst?
Every phone in every hand
Downward stairs of lost women and empty men.
Attention diverted while you sit with your friends
Looking down, separating from every life situation you are in.
"Mommy come on let's go out and play" the children say
"One second" dad says As play time slips away!
We have to look at this screen and so should you.
If you don't know this thing your social life is through.
Only to fall while looking and watching, following what we do. You will feel it soon as they get sucked in to, as you realise a phone replaced theirs small hands and now your daughter is 22
Now you tell them screens will rot their minds while jealousy floods as you try to make up lost time.
Monkey see monkey do you've created a curse your kids will have to feel, jealous me jealous you. Now what are you going to do ?
Little black screen me and you are through."