Jeppe Aakjaer


Heart Be Still, The Sun Goes Down

Stille, hjerte, sol går ned
(Heart be still, the sun goes down)

Heart; be still, the sun goes down,
Smiling over the meadows,
Sheep and cows are homeward bound
Through the deepening shadows,
Heart, be still, be still, the sun goes down.

Silence falls on lanes and lea,
Restless day is over;
One belated bumblebee
Drones among the clover,
Heart, be still, be still, the sun goes down.

Softly now the haze is stirred
From the lowlands lifting;
Over the treetops skims a bird,
Fleecy clouds are drifting,
Heart, be still, be still, the sun goes down.

Far to east the windows gleam
Red with flashes blinding;
Sunset coloured flows a stream
Through green pastures winding
Heart, be still, be still, sun goes down.
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