Jeffrey Pipes Guice

New Orleans
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The Oaks of St. Joseph

Lift me St. Joseph, as you once lifted Jesus.
Share your love, share your strength, share your patience.

Lift me St. Joseph, as you once lifted Jesus.
Share your humility, as you did when you learned of the blessing from your wife, Mary.

Lift me St. Joseph, as you once lifted Jesus.
Share your humbleness, as you did when God sent his Angel to help you understand your position in life.

Lift me St. Joseph, as you once lifted Jesus.
Share your companionship as you did when you helped Mary raise Jesus, the Son of God.

Lift me St. Joseph, as you once lifted Jesus.
Share your wisdom, as you did when you taught Jesus the tools that were necessary to live here on Earth.

Lift me St. Joseph, as you once lifted Jesus.
Share your understanding, as you did when you let Jesus go off, as a child, to do the work of our Father.

Lift me St. Joseph, as you once lifted Jesus.
Share your brotherhood, as a man, so that I may get the most out of my time here at Manresa.

© 2020 Jeffrey Pipes Guice
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