Jeffrey Pipes Guice

New Orleans
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Playing on Swings

Who grew up playing on swing sets...
Spending hours with no parents around...
Trying to swing as high as we could...
Until the poles lifted up out of the ground...

Remember swinging higher and higher...
Telling your little brother to try and fly...
“It’s ok, little Johnnie, you can do it...
Just jump out the swing and aim for the sky...”

All the park playgrounds had wonderful swings...
And all the schoolyards had swing sets, too...
Where were all the parents and teachers...
When landing on your face turned you black and blue...

Remember standing up on the swings...
Swinging with your friend, together, in pace...
It was all fun until a little kid got too close...
And lost a tooth when he got smacked in his face...

Our parents would tell us to go outside...
They used the swing sets as a baby sitter...
It used to be a great way to occupy our time...
But today’s parents might want to reconsider...

© 2022 Jeffrey Pipes Guice
My Wonder Years: A Book
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