Jeffrey Pipes Guice

New Orleans
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My Attitude Prayer

Take away my anxiety...
Take away my struggles...
Take away my codependency...
Take away the pain that I cause myself...

Breath in deeply... hold it... let it out slowly...

Help me to remove the anxiety that I place on myself through my own thoughts...
Help me to understand that I’m in complete control of my own side of the street...
Help me to appreciate that the many blessings in my life far outweigh the negatives that I allow myself to create in my own head...

Breath in deeply... hold it... let it out slowly...

Thank You for being there even when I let go of Your hand...
Thank You for giving me the strength to pull myself out of my own pity party...
Thank You for allowing me to pick and choose healthy people to be in my life...
Thank You for allowing me to see the beauty in all places...
Thank You for all the wonderful things You have placed before me...
Thank You for the team of truly caring people that You’ve put around me...
Thank You for the love that You’ve allowed them to shower upon me...
Thank You for restoring my sanity, on a daily and sometimes hourly basis, so that I may truly appreciate all the wonderful gifts I have in my life...
Thank You for giving me the free will to completely change my attitude...
Thank You for allowing me to be the true me, which is truly a continuous work in progress...
Thank You for always being there inside of me, as my conscience and as my moral compass...
Thank You for always offering Your out stretched hand, and for giving me the opportunity to grab it and hold on tightly...
Thank You for gifting to me the wonderful life that You have...
Thank You for Your unconditional love...
Thank You for being in my life...

Breath in deeply... hold it... let it out slowly...

© 2021 Jeffrey Pipes Guice
143 Total read