Janet Hamilton

1795-1873 / Scotland

On The Proposed Presentation

On The Proposed Presentation of Guns By The People of Britain To The King of Sardinia, In Aid To Italian Liberty

No gold,-no jewels bright,
We offer at the shrine
Where Italy adores the light
Of liberty divine.
A sterner gift we bring-
Ye frowning tubes of death,
Your bolts of vengeance wing,
Till tyrants quail beneath.
From fort-from 'deadly breach'
Pour from your sulph'rous throats,
As far as sound can reach,
In loud prophetic notes,
A voice whose thunder tones
Shall Europe's despots wake,
And on their crumbling thrones
In craven terror shake.
Victor Emmanuel!-name
Of augury divine-
Thee victor we proclaim!
For Freedom's cause is thine.
'Emmanuel-God with us'-
Of old, was Piedmont's cry-
Emmanuel ever thus
Be God to aid thee nigh!
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