Janet Hamilton

1795-1873 / Scotland

On The Departure Of The Barque

From Glasgow To Australia With Emigrants, 1854.

Go, barque of promise, prove thy name,
Not on the deck, where dead and dying
Have steeped in blood the wreath of fame,
To her loud trump with groans replying.
Not where the huge war steamer plys,
Through hostile seas resistless sweeping,
Led in her wake her battle prize,
To port her course triumphant keeping.
Not such the freight, not such the fame,
Old Scotia o'er the world of waters
Sends with her virtues and her name-
She sends her own true sons and daughters.
She sends, Australia, to thy plains,
White with the woolly millions feeding-
Brave hearts, strong arms to probe thy veins,
With treasure gold so freely bleeding.
Her Christian faith, her moral worth,
Her honest pride, her patriot feelings
She gives, and sends her children forth,
With trust in God and Time's revealings.
God speed thee, 'Fame!' may each loved name
Of absent friends sweet memories nourish;
Our prayers are yours, with tears we claim
This last fond wish-'Let Glasgow Flourish.'
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