Janet Hamilton

1795-1873 / Scotland

Address To The Rev. Dr. Gardner Of Bothwell

On Completing The Fiftieth Year of His Ministry
Pastor revered, beloved! the Muse would fain
Join on fair 'Bothwell banks' the jubilant strain
Raised by thy grateful people; fifty years
Look down upon thy labours sown in tears-
The precious seed beneath thy watchful care
Hath sprung, bloom'd, ripen'd into harvests fair.
Returning with thy sheaves, rejoicing, thou
Uplift'st to heaven thy venerable brow;
For there thy treasure, there thy heart, and there
Thy treasures reap'd on earth are garner'd, where
They wait to join thee, ripe and full of days,
In heaven's eternal jubilee of praise.
A stranger I, forgive this simple lay,
I wish'd to greet thee-wish'd to hail the day,
O aged shepherd, when thy flock approve,
With honours meet and tokens of their love,
Thy ministrations. May the call come late
For thee, a chosen guest, to take thy seat
At marriage-supper of the Lamb, and swell
The choir of heaven with harp and song! Farewell!
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