Jane Wilde

27 December 1821 – 3 February 1896

La Sombra De Mis Cabellos. From The Spanish.—sixteenth Century -

My love lay there,
In the shadow of my hair,
As my glossy raven tresses downard flow;
And dark as midnight’s cloud,
The fell o’er him like a shroud:
Ah! does he now remember it or no?

With a comb of gold each night
I combed my tresses bright;
But the sportive zephyr tossed them to and fro;
So I pressed them in a heap,
For my love whereon to sleep:
Ah! does he now remember it or no?
He said he loved to gaze
On my tresses’ flowing maze,
And the midnight of my dark Moorish eyes;
And he vowed ’twould give him pain
Should his love be all in vain;
So he won me with his praises and his sighs.
Then I flung my raven hair
As a mantle o’er him there,
Encircling Encirling him within its mazy flow;
And pillowed on my breast,
He lay in sweet unrest:
Ah! does he now remember it or no?
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