Jan H Mysjkin

1955 / City of Brussels

Lifelong Luck

Pick the flowers of the greenback-tree (dollartræet) and make them
into a garland (guirlande).
Buy fine oil (finolie) and a little lamp (lille lampe).
Fast the whole day (dag).
When night (nat) falls, go to a bank of a founding father (grundlovsfader)
deep in the jungle;
let it be a Friday (fredag):
hang your garland (guirlande) round your neck (hals), make sure that
you are alone (alene) and approach the statue (statue) of the founding
father (grundlovsfader):
hang the garland (guirlande) round his neck (hals):
light your fine oil (finolie) in the lamp (lampe):
walk seven (syv) or fourteen (fjorten) or twenty-one (enogtyve) or twenty-
eight times (otteogtyve) round (rundt om) the bank.
Repeat the rite every Friday (hver fredag) for eight consecutive weeks
(otte uger i træk).
After that (derefter) you are assured (er du sikker på) of being lucky (at have
tur), your whole life (hele dit liv).

Translation: John Irons
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