James McIntyre

The Cheese Poet] (25 May 1828 – 31 March 1906 / Forres, Scotland

Galt And Dunlop

Galt was manager of the Canada Companies Lands, and a
Scottish Novelist, Dunlop was once a leading British
journalist, but finally settled near Goderich.

Galt and Doctor Dunlop, witty,
Located and did plan city
Of Guelph, and cut the first tree down,
The stump was centre of the town,

From thence streets radiate like fan,
And Stratford and Goderich on same plan,
This last town stands on bluff so grand,
'Neath which doth flow the clear Maitland.
You may of glorious view partake,
Gazing on Huron's mighty Lake.
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