James McIntyre

The Cheese Poet] (25 May 1828 – 31 March 1906 / Forres, Scotland


Lines on presenting Dr. Springer with a diamond ring, when he
was bidding farewell to Ingersoll, and was about journeying
to California.

Though we know we are no singer,
Yet we will chaunt farewell to Springer,
One of our oldest past grands,
About to visit distant lands.

And we all sincerely hope
You may enjoy Pacific slope,
And when you gaze on this ring
May it pleasant memories bring.

Of good old Lodge, Samaritan,
Where friendship makes us all as one;
'Tis hard to strike your name from roll
With us so long in Ingersoll.

Though we regret to say farewell,
May blessings rest where 'ere you dwell,
And on the partner of your joy
Happiness without alloy.
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